Missy Marie Photography . Manhattan Beach photographer . Blake Anne, Alex + Evan

Now, this was a really fun shoot.  This family lives in Texas, and came out to the west coast for a week long vacation.  So cool… they actually stayed in the beach house that was Kelly and Donna’s place on the show, “Beverly Hills, 90210“.  I am laughing when I do the math, and realize that the girls would have not even been born when this show ended in 2000.  It seems like yesterday that this series was a favorite in my life.

Best parts?

  • The girls were just so sweet, and came up with some awesome ideas for our photo shoot
  • The ice cream break was spectacular, love me some Manhattan Beach Creamery !!
  • The sky really was that blue and beautiful!

enjoy. xo



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Missy Marie Photography . Hermosa Beach family photographer . MacKenzie + Chloe

Have you heard of Throwback Thursdays? If you are on any type of social media, i.e.: Facebook or Instagram, you most likely have. You might see it with a hashtag, #throwbackthursday or #tbt.  I’ll tell you, I love #tbt.  I love posting old photos of my family, old high school or college photos, or even a baby photo of myself. For Christmas, my mom gave my sisters and me all our old photographs, scanned and loaded onto a CD.  The.Best.Gift.Ever.  These photos are absolutely precious, each of them bringing back a little memory of something special.  They are indeed the most precious gift.  And trust me when I tell you, I have really been enjoying posting these.

On this cool December evening, this family came together, and decided that taking family photos was important. You may not think going out for a photography session may be such a monumental event, but think about these 2 little gals, and when they turn 44 and 40.  Or older.  Can you imagine the feeling they will have when they pull these images out, and remember that day, when Grampsy & Nanny came out to California to visit?  They may not remember every detail, but they will sure remember how much they all love each other, and how much it means to their momma, and that she planned this for their family.

And perhaps, maybe they’ll even post a few for #tbt.





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Missy Marie Photography . Hermosa Beach photographer . Signature Photo Album

Ohhhh, I’ve been waiting so long to post these photos… Meet Kira. She is a sweet, confident young lady, with a kind heart, and a courageous soul. I have enjoyed getting to know her, and watching her grow into a young lady. Not only is she a doll, she is also an extremely talented singer, the rock kind of singer, which is totally awesome!

This last summer, Kira was preparing to become a bat mitzvah and her mom was planning for the big Bat Mitzvah ceremony and celebratory party. As part of the party, her mom wanted to do a signature photo album of pictures of Kira for her guests to sign instead of the common signable picture frame.  And that is where I come in… we set out on this gorgeous day with several outfits and a list of music venues in Los Angeles that included Saint Rocke, Whisky A Go Go, The Roxy, Viper Room, House of Blues and The Grammy Museum to take pictures of her for this photo album. What perfect backdrops for Kira’s photos, where perhaps she will headline a concert one day! Here are some of my favorites.




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Missy Marie Photography . Hermosa Beach photographer . My Own

I know not many school districts do this, but here in Hermosa Beach, we take the entire week off of school for Presidents day. As crazy as it sounds, it really is nice to have this break.  A lot of people go skiing (this week is also known as “Ski Week”), but my family and I went to San Francisco.  We love this city, and had a really good time.  List of things we did: visited Alcatraz, walked around Pier 39, took a boat over to Sausalito, and bought some books at City Lights Books, an old and very cool/alternative bookstore. It had “cool” written all over it. We ate, we swam in the indoor pool in our hotel, and rainbow loomed our down time away. So good to have lots of time with my people.




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I love taking pictures of people…of personalities, of love, of relationships, of connections, of giggles and of real life. Sometimes beauty takes on a bit of messiness, but in the end, you will be able to see the real and authentic love that you and your people have for one another. And that…is what matters.

Let’s make this easy – Sessions are One Price, ALL INCLUSIVE and stress free.